Author and illustrator Pam Stainton has been teaching literacy to young children for most of her career. This delightful book, filled with colourful and quirky characters, takes a new approach to using everyday punctuation. Appropriate for children of all ages, it is a fun and useful way to learn the basics.
C McCarthy
Marsden Primary
Thank you Pam, what a refreshing way to introduce young children to basic elements that make up a sentence. My Year 1 class really enjoyed Miss Punk and her naughty alphabet, they especially loved Mr Exclamation Mark who was yelling all over the page!
Charlotte Manthel ( Year 1 teacher)
Pamela has created a great little story that clearly explains, step by step, why letters need to be used with a few rules to keep them in line and help the reader. Pamela’s experience of working with children clearly shows through the colourful character of Miss Punk-Chewation.
Louise Gusterson, Teacher
Crofton Downs Primary
“What a fun and interesting story to engage young readers into an understanding of the conventions of written language.”
Julia Beresford
Miss Punk-Chewation to the Rescue is a fun-filled book that will delight children of all ages. Teachers and parents alike can use the story to to expressly teach grammar rules or just enjoy the story.
Toby Stokes
Pamela Stainton, 9 John Witton Drive, Crofton Downs, Wellington 6035